A Physical Backup Has a Place in Your Overall Strategy

  • Published byadmin
  • May 7, 2018

A Physical Backup Has a Place in Your Overall Strategy

Physical data backup can be a key part of data backup and disaster recovery. Even if you utilize the cloud for your business continuity solution, there can be no discrediting the importance of having physical data backup. A simple physical data backup can be effective under the right circumstances.

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Access Control is Key to Your Business’ Security

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

Access Control is Key to Your Business’ Security

Access control is an extremely useful way to manage a secure computing infrastructure, and one of the best ways your organization can protect important data. However, with innovations in the way that access control is implemented, it’s time to consider what you can do to secure your business’ future in more ways than one. Let’s discuss some best practices regarding access control, as well as some technologies that you can implement to further cement your business’ security.

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The CLOUD Act Explained

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

The CLOUD Act Explained

Another eleventh-hour spending bill passed through the U.S. Congress and was signed into law on March 23, 2018. This time, however, there was a certain earmark that may work to erode individual privacy protection around the globe. The new law, called the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (or CLOUD) Act, amends the Stored Communications Act of 1986 and gives unelected American officials extensive powers over global digital privacy rights.

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Why the Internet of Things is Here to Stay

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

Why the Internet of Things is Here to Stay

There are a lot of connected devices nowadays, but not all of them have a very practical purpose. Some of the more practical uses of connected technology range from security systems to thermostats, but other technologies can’t necessarily be justified so easily. Why would a blender need to connect to the Internet? There are many more that are being added every day, which is why a lot of companies are concerned about this rise in connected technology.

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Understanding 5G Helps Highlight its Benefits

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

Understanding 5G Helps Highlight its Benefits

You’ve heard of 3G and 4G technology for your mobile devices, but have you ever stopped to consider what these phrases actually mean? Since the world is on the cusp of a 5G introduction, it’s time to take a look at what these wireless technologies do, and how 5G can further expand on its formula.

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How Word Got Around in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

How Word Got Around in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Science fiction is filled with incredible technology, especially in terms of how the characters communicate. This is especially true in the epic space opera Star Wars. Fortunately for viewers like you and me, some of the communication devices and technologies used a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, may not be so far off.

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3 Business Communication Standbys

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

3 Business Communication Standbys

Communication is one of the most important parts of running a business, and if you’re not communicating properly, it could spell trouble for your organization. Projects could be delayed and could ultimately cost your organization more money than they’re worth. Thankfully, technology makes communication better, easier, and more efficient. Here are some of the ways that the best communication technologies can improve the way your organization functions.

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Tech Term: Virtualization, Defined

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

Tech Term: Virtualization, Defined

Virtualization is a topic that a lot of people might hear about frequently, but not necessarily understand. It has a lot of details to keep in mind, but the concepts can be remembered easier by simplifying these details. We’ll take a closer look at some of the finer details of virtualization and what it means for your business’ infrastructure.

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Making the Switch from Apple to Android? Be Prepared!

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

Making the Switch from Apple to Android? Be Prepared!

With so many options that don’t cost $ 800, the Android mobile OS gains more customers every day. If you were a dedicated iPhone user that is looking to switch to Android, you have to be cognizant of the things you will need to ensure that you are able to transfer the information you need, and be able to seamlessly pick up your new device without missing a beat. Here are some issues you should consider:

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How to Identify If an Email is a Security Risk

  • Published byadmin
  • May 4, 2018

How to Identify If an Email is a Security Risk

There’s one major reason why email is the preferred method of spreading threats like ransomware and other types of malicious software. The sheer number of messages that can be sent through email on its own increases the odds that a user will click on the wrong link or download the wrong attachment. How can you know the legitimacy of any message you receive in your email inbox?

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