Introducing the Service Level Agreement
Every business will face a major technology problem at one time or another. Whether it is because your server just decided to quit on you, or you have received a not-so-friendly worded letter telling you to stop using a piece of software, managing technology for a whole organization is difficult. In cases like this, partnering with a managed service provider can be a real benefit. If you are going to choose to outsource some or all of your IT management to a provider, you will likely have to sign a service level agreement (SLA). Today, we look at the purpose of a SLA and how it works to benefit both parties of the agreement.
Technology Basics: Encryption
Secrets need to be protected. That’s why humans created cryptography. Cryptography can be traced back to around the time the pharaohs ruled Egypt, but today’s cryptography is a lot different than simple hieroglyph replacement. Cryptography used in the computing systems today is called encryption. For this week’s tech term we will look back at the history of encryption and how it is used today to facilitate data security and personal privacy.
Soon Your Network Will Manage Itself
Traditionally, artificial intelligence isn’t thought of positively. In science fiction A.I. systems are usually the antagonist our hero has to overcome; or, more recently, as a knowledgeable sidekick to our hero. Outside of science fiction, however, A.I. has some real uses that make it a benefit to businesses today.
Artificial Intelligence is Going to Help You Work Smarter
Humankind has been fascinated with the concept of helpfully intelligent machines making life easier for many years. While we may still be many years away from the likes of Josie from The Jetsons or J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y., Iron Man’s digital super-assistants, artificial intelligence is a very real thing, with real benefits for businesses even today.
Technology Basics: Bits and Bytes
In business, everything is measured. Every minute is quantified in order to run the most profitable business possible. When measuring data the measurements you’ll most hear are in bits and bytes. Today, we’ll get into the various ways bits and bytes are used to describe the technology we all use.
Technology Addiction is a Problem in Children and Adults
Technology has become so ingrained in society and the workplace that it can be difficult, borderline impossible, to consider a life without it. Hours on end are spent in front of computer screens during the workday, but even after hours in the comfort of your own home, you might notice that you have a hard time putting down your devices.
A Close Examination of Cyberterrorism
Unfortunately, we’ve all been exposed to terrorism in one way or another. To avoid any confusion, when we reference terrorism, we’re talking about situations that arise where individuals or groups commit overtly evil acts to deliberately intimidate people. Cyberterrorism is doing the same thing through coordinated attacks on computing networks. Today, we take a look at cyberterrorism and how it is different from other cybercrime.
Tech Term: Virtualization, Defined
Virtualization is a topic that a lot of people might hear about frequently, but not necessarily understand. It has a lot of details to keep in mind, but the concepts can be remembered easier by simplifying these details. We’ll take a closer look at some of the finer details of virtualization and what it means for your business’ infrastructure.
Making the Switch from Apple to Android? Be Prepared!
With so many options that don’t cost $ 800, the Android mobile OS gains more customers every day. If you were a dedicated iPhone user that is looking to switch to Android, you have to be cognizant of the things you will need to ensure that you are able to transfer the information you need, and be able to seamlessly pick up your new device without missing a beat. Here are some issues you should consider:
How to Identify If an Email is a Security Risk
There’s one major reason why email is the preferred method of spreading threats like ransomware and other types of malicious software. The sheer number of messages that can be sent through email on its own increases the odds that a user will click on the wrong link or download the wrong attachment. How can you know the legitimacy of any message you receive in your email inbox?